Thrills of Shooting TV -Then & Now

Santa Claus 4Santa Claus 3
Santa Claus, Indiana was the location for Episode One of the new Travel Channel series I have been shooting – “THRILL FACTOR.” Who is up or down for Thrill Rides??

Our hosts are those wacky and lovable personalities from Myth Busters, Kari and Tory. In this show they plunge feet-first (and sometimes head-first) into the most challenging, fear-inducing and FUN amusement park and specialty thrill rides.
Santa Claus 2
Santa Claus 1
We spent the day shooting at Holiday World amusement park. The cast and crew tried out the incredible Thunderbird. Its a steel coaster that launches you out of the station at 60mph in two seconds.

Twenty years ago I shot the home video release “America’s Greatest Roller Coasters” and it was REAL tricky mounting a lipstick camera cabled to a Betacam deck in those coasters. This time it was a breeze. THANK GOD FOR GO-PRO’s!

Watch for the series to premiere on Travel Channel on August 12, Wednesday at 8:30pm Pacific Time.

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